mandag den 23. maj 2016

Narratives from Lebanon

Fouad El Khoury, The Flag -“Beirut City Center” series 1982
edition 1/5, inkjet on fine art paper, 120 x 150 cm
Courtesy of the Christa von Siemens Foundation
The Association for the Promotion and Exhibition of the Arts in Lebanon presents the first comprehensive exhibition of contemporary Lebanese art in the UK from 3 to 6 November 2011 at the Royal College of Art in Kensington, London.
Structured along five compelling themes the exhibition is designed to help interpret the country's varied and complex modern history by Lebanese artists living in and outside Lebanon.  The exhibition will delve into Lebanon’s socio-political realities, the determinant parameters of which have helped shaped and influenced a unique trend in post war contemporary art.

Ayah Bdeir, Elusive Electricity 2011
neon, steel, motion sensor, cables, custom electronics
in collaboration with Hirumi Nanayakkara, 70 x 260 cm
Courtesy of the Artist

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