torsdag den 17. marts 2016

Christen Købke

Christen Schiellerup Købke war ein dänischer Maler. Er wuchs auf als eines von elf Kindern des Bäckers Peter Berendt Købke und dessen Frau Cecilie Margrete.

geb.26. Mai 1810,

gest. 7. Februar 1848,

tirsdag den 15. marts 2016

good old Abildgaard from 1743 to 1809. classicist multi-artist with a penchant for the mysterious, classic and fairytale.

Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard (September 11, 1743 – June 4, 1809)[1] was a Danish neoclassical and royal history painter, sculptor, architect, and professor of painting, mythology, and anatomy at the New Royal Danish Academy of Art in Copenhagen, Denmark. Many of his works were in the royal Christiansborg Palace (some destroyed by fire 1794), Fredensborg Palace, and Levetzau Palace at Amalienborg.